When your heart hears the message of your Soul's call, there is an intense knowing that you need to get on with it, you have opened the door and you need to walk through.
Sounds simple right? It is except for the crippling fear, self sabotage and procrastination that suddenly appears blocking the doorway.
There is nothing more frustrating than being awake knowing you are here to do something incredible and don't know where to start or how to navigate the resistance.
These programs are designed to walk with you through this incredible life changing time, you can choose to either go on a group journey or an individual journey, either way will guide you home to YOUR AMAZING.

Are you ready to Be Your Amazing?
Connecting to your Magic...
Within each of us is our own unique creation blueprint, a matrix of light codes that when illuminated shine out in the world allowing you to create, heal, serve and be your true self, realising your wildest dreams...
Are you showing up in the world the way you always dreamed? Do you feel safe in relationships? Are you confident, happy & joyful? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you living your purpose? Do you feel like you belong? Have you been looking for that elusive block that is stopping you from reaching your potential?
If you answered NO to any of these questions then you are not living in alignment with your own destiny
How does it work....
This 6 month program is a deep dive immersive to embody your higher self, activating your codes expanding your consciousness and illuminating your soul.
Just as no one person is the same, this course is not designed as a one fits all, it is crafted especially for each person that enrolls to fit their unique needs and desires.
The program includes 6 x personal healing sessions and tailored online mentoring and resources, to support you on your quest for Soul Illumination.
We can work on one or more areas of your life that you would like to shift or change, remembering that as we dive into the underlying blocks in one area, you will find it has a flow on effect to your entire life.
What kind of things do people work on?
You may have long term health issues that are holding you back.
It might be a desire to start a new business or career
Expanding your business
Manifesting more abundance
It could be calling in a divine relationship
Starting a family
Finding your life purpose
Building inner confidence
A yearning for more spiritual awakening....
No matter what calls you to this page together we can plot a course and allow the exact right path for you to unfold.
Who is this for.....
It is for the one who is ready for change, has been looking for more from life, the one who is already on the path and looking for guidance, the one who knows they are more yet lives stuck in fear.
It is for the one who is ready TO BE YOUR AMAZING
There is simply no way you can embark on this program and not change, not become more aware and not challenge your existing perspective.
This program is truly life changing!
Katie Sydney
The Be Your Amazing Mentoring Program is a unique journey of awakening and empowerment. Combining ancient wisdom with high frequency transmissions from YOUR Source, to activate your innate gifts and mastery. It is a fast track to inner confidence and authenticity.
This program is for YOU, an awakening woman who has a desire to be more and do more in the world. You hear the inner whisper that is telling you that you are here for a reason, you have unique gifts to share, that are not only needed but essential in the world at this time.
You may have already started on the journey and yet it hasn't fully manifested in your reality and the feeling of frustration and helplessness has left you feeling defeated.
Or you may not be certain of which steps to take and how to break free of self sabotage and doubt that creeps in along the way.
Whatever the reason that brings you here to this page, know that you are in the right place!
This 9 month program is a combination of group work, individual mentoring/healing sessions, online support and self led exercises. The modules have been designed to gently guide you through the pathway of resistance into clarity and purpose. The power of the group dynamic together with the individual focus creates a dynamic opportunity for growth and expansion.
Be your Amazing is the answer to bridging the gap that takes you from an inner yearning to a joyful reality.... read more