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BE Fierce!

For you are the blazing light that cannot be touched

Message received from the records at the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal…

The Lions Gate Portal is a time where there is an opportunity to receive activations and downloads of consciousness.

The portal is activated when the star Sirius also known as the spiritual sun, aligns with our sun the earth and Orion’s belt. The energy peaks on the 8th August. The gift of this powerful energy is to encourage and support the awakening process, it activates us into higher consciousness and towards ascension.

This message was channelled from the Akashic Records on the 8th August.

The Message

Opening transmission….

And so the word that is coming up for this group today is fierce.

So we want you to move forward with fierce devotion to self, with fierce devotion to your growth, and with fierce courage to face that which you do not know, which is just merely stepping into the unknown.  We ask that you face with fierce love anything that is coming up for you.

It is important that you have this fierce compassion for yourself as you understand yourself as a soul learning and growing.  A soul that sometimes creates difficult scenarios to move through and so be fierce.

It is not just let us play with this, instead let us be fiercely in this. Bring that energy of fierceness into what you are doing. Be fierce in your relationships. Be wholehearted.

So when we talk about being fierce, we are saying be totally committed with compassion and passion.

For it is in that bright fierce light that no one would dare to challenge you!

The Asking

So we ask this of you…

If you so desire, to honour your gifts, to claim them fiercely, to keep them close to your heart and to share them from the heart.

To bring your desires up to the heart, to allow them to shine. Let your gifts shine like the sun out into the world.

The sun is never timid. It blazes. It blazes with everything it has. And that is what you are being asked to do as well.

For it is in that bright, fierce light that no one would dare to challenge you, as I would not dare to challenge that lion that I envisioned at the beginning of this reading. Instead I could honour it and look it in the face with respect and say yes, I know you. I see you.

And so this is who you are. And we ask that you step into this fierceness for yourself over the days to come.

For it is in that brightness that you will be safe. For who would challenge the sun? Who would snuff the sun out? The clouds can try, yet the sun still exists behind the clouds.

In its full capacity as the blazing fire it is, the sun cannot be touched, and neither can you.

And so it is…


End of transmission


Now is the time to start that new project, to get out there and be seen, share your message, allow the energy to roar through you.  Be not afraid as the time is now and you are ready.

As always until next time...

xx amazing love

Michelle ~ Kali Devi

Prefer to listen and receive the energy - an audio version is available click here

Living and Abundance Life with the Akashic Records An introduction to the Akashic Records

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