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Vulnerability the doorway to our needs:

Based on a channelled message from the Akashic Records

Vulnerability is the doorway to our needs, our boundaries, and the essence of who we truly are…

In a world that often rewards independence and self-sufficiency, vulnerability can feel like a uncomfortable concept. Yet, as we open ourselves to our true needs, we start to access our most authentic and empowered selves. Vulnerability isn't about weakness; it's about meeting our needs, setting boundaries, and defining the essence of who we truly are.


When we avoid vulnerability, we might be unconsciously avoiding opportunities to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. Vulnerability provides the foundation for establishing healthy boundaries—boundaries that protect our energy and reflect our true essence. With clear boundaries, we form a distinct energy field that others can recognize and respect, creating stronger, healthier connections in all aspects of life.

Boundaries are not about separating but about defining your energy, so others can see and connect with the real you.


Self-esteem often ties back to boundaries, too. Weak boundaries can leave us scattered, eager to please, and constantly searching for external approval. But when we honour our needs and claim our boundaries, we align with our essence and step into a higher level of self-respect and self-worth. Boundaries aren't about isolation but about defining our energy and allowing others to see, feel, and honour our true selves.


As we continue to embody our vulnerability, needs, and boundaries, opportunities and connections that align with our essence naturally find their way to us. Through this journey, we discover that vulnerability truly is strength—a strength that helps us become more of who we are meant to be.


If you would like support from me in stepping into your vulnerability I invite you to "Unleash Your Potential" a powerful session where you get to unlock the barriers to living the life you deserve to live. CLICK HERE

Want to listen to the channelled message CLICK HERE

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